Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hello, my name is Amie.
I am a junior in college at a Christian university in South Carolina, in the heart of the Bible belt.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God and that He gave His life for me approximately 2000 years ago. I believe that His redeeming blood is the only thing that has saved my heart and that God the Father still interacts and speaks to His children today.
I have an amazing boyfriend,Whit, whom I have just celebrated dating for an entire year. And I am truly sure that he is the man for me. He is my best friend, my confidante, and an immense comfort and reliever of my stress. He isn't perfect, but he is perfect for me and I love him immensely.
I have an AWESOME group of friends from college, from church and from everywhere in between!
I was homeschooled for 12 years, although I took some college classes my junior year of high school. I have been told that I don't seem like I'm homeschooled, which I have taken as a complement!
I am studying Biology at my school, in the hopes of becoming a Physician's Assistant after a complete Grad school.
I have a wonderful family of 7, 2 sisters, 3 brothers and my two parents. I miss them when I'm at school even though they live less than 10 miles away.
My dad gets frustrated when I don't come home on weekends, and my mom misses me, but understands that I have studying and homework which won't get done as easily at my house with a 3 year old and a 1 year old playing and being silly.
I love my family to pieces and I'm sure that leaving town for grad school after senior year is going to be the hardest thing I've ever experienced.
I have many jobs and extra-curricular activities on campus, including VP of the Biology Club, a part time work-study job with the science department, a second part time job with Student Services, tutoring, and a student group with admissions that keeps prospective students overnight and gives tours and such.
So welcome to my busy life! I love almost every minute of it!